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Let's talk about the other side of the coin

Good afternoon

Everyone's probably staying in their bubble for a long time huh... I just hopped out of bed so my mind is somewhere out in heaven.

I spent most of my time thinking and something popped up my mind from one of the articles I read about 'The Hippie Movement' the other day.

"This is life changing so buckle up"

First, you have got to ask yourself: "Are you a hippie or a nerd"? I thought about this a little bit myself and to me.. !!

The hippie movement originated from people that sees more in life from their parents. There is always the other side of the coin that no one talks about.

Life's not about having 2 cars in the garage, a house, save a little money, 2 corgis and whatsoever. The hippie movement represents something greater. It's about thinking differently.. There are reasons why people decides to be a backpacker for a year or two and there are reasons why there are some people that decides to be a poet rather than an accountant. Of course, the pendulum swings too far ahead and back then you see people advocating for LSD, free love and all sorts which clearly isn't good at all.

I thought about this earlier.. You really have to be different to change the world. If you're a really bright person, it doesn't hurt to go to Japan or a third world country for a year or two to see something different rather than go straight to university just because it is the normal thing to do. You know, fall in love with two people at once.. that's different.

Although I highly recommend not doing that.

Have you ever thought of what it is to be bright/ intelligent. Maybe you meet someone and he's pretty dumb and you think you're smarter and you wonder what the differences is? I thought about this a little bit myself... A lot of it is the feeling but a lot of it is also having the ability to zoom out and see the world from the 80th floor down at the city while others try to get to point A to point B with these stupid little maps and you could see the whole thing and make connections. You see smart people giving these wonderful thoughts and ideas while other people look at it dumb and feel funny.

In my mind growing up, I don't know how it got there but the world seemed to just happen outside your control. Your life is just to live and find your place in it. I used to think the world were run by bright people. However, once you got the chance to interact with those people you find that they are not as different from you. As a matter of fact, most of those people are not as bright as you.

Once you discover that, you find that you have a responsibility to change life and make it better because it is messed up in a lot of ways.

We've all grown up eating the food people made for us, speaking languages people have passed on to us "hola" and wearing the clothing that has been made for us. We seem to take things out from the giant pool. And, the most ecstatic thing you can do is put something back into that pool.

Are you a hippie?

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