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Current Goals that I would like to achieve..

Let just start off on what kind of person that I believe I am myself.

Positive note on myself.

I am a confident person with good body language. I love, love. I am hardworking, smart. I learn from my mistakes, I reflect to everything and strive to be the best version of myself. I think differently in a mature way that I think most people at my age do not even think about.

Negatives on me:

I compare myself to absolutely everybody at times. I do not necessarily speak the way I think sometimes, I mean I could be serious when I want to but sometimes I do not speak the way I think.

I do understand, and I do focus on my own goals and not care about absolutely everybody, but sometimes it is impossible to not hear the voice of people absolutely humble bragging about themselves. Yes, I do focus on my own goals and I can’t stop myself comparing with people most of the times. I am aware of that and I do acknowledge that is a bad thing because it does makes me feel unhappy at times.

Next thing is quite severe in my opinion. For me, I do understand that as a person that I am, it is just my personality to feel happy, but get serious when I need to. But those moments when I start keeping myself off guard and not say the right thing at times might be a weakness of mine. I do realize I swear at times, when I am frustrated. I don’t say the right thing all the time because if I do, then I will be a robot. I pray to God that I don’t say the right things all the time. I am still learning of course. The thing is, it is not about swearing. It is just the immature “moments” that I do not like about myself. And the best way to fix it is to think before I speak. Let me just start from there.

What I want myself to be in the next 5 weeks or so is to truly understand perspective, love life and focus on my journey and be happy with my friend’s success. I also do want to start thinking before I speak. And of course, be myself.

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