Never felt so great in life. One thing that living in Christchurch allows me to do is catching up with friends I haven't seen in 3-4 years. W and J. I love how God allows me to meet these amazing people.
Wis the go to guy everyone knows in church, one thing that I admire about him is his passions of always willing to pray for absolutely everyone and connect with people with love. I never thought about him earlier, but talking to him made me realized that I always had a friend that is always there to listen to my stories, when I am depressed, gave me advice and yeah tell me about God.
One thing I am excited about is that Wwants to book me in my church speeches, me sharing how God changed my life. Had a deep conversation with him and one thing we had in common is that God gave us purpose. I just wish him the very best! He needs ambition. God wants everyone to be successful and he should know that. Man I really want to share my story and just inspire people. Showing them how hope always keep us alive and look where I am now. Happy and Healthy.
J. The girl that I had a slight crush on 4-5 years ago? Weird how I said years ago huh! I am really not kidding when I said I cut off frienships back in the days. Never really know much about J. I just know that she is good looking, she grows up in an Asian background and has amazing friends. Knowing that she decided to take Design in her first year of university excites me because it is nice so see someone chase dreams. Going back, would I take food tech again? Yes because I have meet so many amazing individuals. Back to J, I never knew that we were that close in a way that she is willing to hang out with me when I am back at Auckland? I mean I was just saying we could hang out but never really expect a yes. Not saying that I like her! Because I already knew who I will marry. Man, never knew the friendships that I used to develop were sooo delicate. Just wishing all my friends the very best.
Man it just makes me miss Auckland even more because I will be hanging out with so many of my friends when I am BACKKK. AHHHH I am so excited. Just glad that I know they are my friends after so many years apart. I am BLESSED.
Going to far into my life is honestly a TRUE Blessing. I am just glad that going out of my hardships helps me grow so much. I love it sooo sooo sooo sooo soo much. I am so grateful.
One thing I am thinking about, well don’t worry saying that here since no ones reads my blog. I am wondering, I know exactly who I wanted to marry now but, I need help. First, I am evaluating every day. I know that she is the one. But I need to make sure that it is how my brain and heart feels not just me being delusional. And telling her that I will marry right after graduation, would that be too late? I do not know but. I am not stressing, when time comes it comes. Right now, it is still not the right moment to do so. There is a lot of uncertainties, but again if she is not the one then she isn’t. I wouldn’t be upset if she said no. But again, I absolutely know I couldn’t commit during studies so me confessing will be a thing after 4th year exams.
I am just glad, I mean COME ON I am an Asian international student. I am pretty proud of myself achieving this far I am not gonna lie.