2 weeks into ChristChurch I feel blessed. It is the first time in 22 years where I feel like I am "perfect" in every way.
Don't know what and how changed my life. But learning how to give and be thankful for everything I have or had makes me grow in a good way.
Back then when I was young, I always figured, why would successful people like Bill Gates etc donate money or why would some wealthy man decides to give up all and be normal. Now I sorta relate, I believe God bless you for you to bless other people and nobody deserve any blessings if they don't give. I really do feel that helping people also impact myself in a positive way and I really do enjoy that.
So, what did I learnt 2 weeks in Christchurch? The first thing I truly understand is God’s Plan. I love that my boss trusted me and I am able to do things that some students wouldn’t have a chance in doing. The second thing I learnt is to truly cherish my friendships. I have thrown away multiple friendships in the past and being alone here makes me feel that having amazing friends are so important in my life and I can’t wait to finally meet them again.
In a way, I wouldn’t want all this to be over in a blink of an eye. I wanted to away from everyone and feel the changes and just learn and grow positively. Of course doing new things is scary and I am still scared of it but I guess I just learnt how to deal with it one way or another.
Looking forward to 4th year? Haha first let me hope that I passed my exams which I really hope I did. But right now really not thinking about it too much. There is this one crazy thing that I will be doing after 4th year exam so I am scared, but would I do it, probably yeah. I don’t know if this is not the best move just because somebody telling me that its not, but I feel this, if it ends up happening it ends up happening.
So where would I be in the next 5 years. I really want to start an amazing family, so the next 5 years will be me getting a wife and working hard towards my dream. I need to be in a position to be able to provide my children everything. Could I do it? I don’t know but I will keep trying. Leaving no regrets.
In a third person perspective. I am amazing. I look good, I am smart, I am hardworking, I am committed to everything I am doing, I am a family man, I have an amazing mum and family background. Really am feeling myself. Why am I so good. It is just blessings. Two things that I need to change about myself is to be able to stay calm when stuff happens and less swearing.
I really don’t know how I feel right now but I am tired. There is just a lot of environmental get used to that I have to get used to. It feels like even I am home, I am not really home because I am away from my comfort zone. I like to feel that way but at this time I am exhausted. That is probably the only thing I am struggling mentally? AND I WILL BE FINE. This is what I always wanted. I mean I need to have cool stories for my kids in the future huh. I mean in their first 5 years I will most likely just telling my kids that your dad is a superhero helping people.
Quick timeline “prediction”
(22) now- (23) graduate- (25)- get married- (27-28) be a manager- 31(get kids)- (36-38 be a CEO)
I guess the only unrealistic thing here is getting married at 25 and be a CEO around 36-38. Being a manager at 28 is possible.
Will stop rambling and get dinner😊, time to eatttttt.